Massage Therapy WordPress Website Redesign in Portland


Alice Palmeri


Elementor, Figma, ACF


WordPress Website Redesign



WordPress Website Design and Development for Massage Therapy In Portland

Alice Palmeri, a renowned massage therapist based in Portland

Project Challenges

The existing website, built on the outdated Twenty Seventeen WordPress theme, was not responsive, especially on mobile devices. Objective: To redesign the website with a modern, responsive layout that effectively highlights Alice Palmeri’s therapeutic services.

What I Did

As a Senior WordPress and Figma designer, I overhauled Alice Palmeri’s digital presence.

The project involved two main phases:

  1. Figma Design Creation: Developing a bespoke design in Figma that was visually appealing and focused on enhancing user experience, ensuring smooth navigation, and effectively showcasing Alice Palmeri’s services.
  2. Conversion to WordPress Elementor: Transforming the Figma design into a fully functional WordPress website using Elementor, emphasizing responsiveness and cross-device compatibility.
  1. Initial Consultation: Collaborating with Alice to understand her vision and the limitations of her current website.
  2. Design Mockup: Creating a contemporary, user-friendly design in Figma tailored to Alice’s specifications.
  3. Review & Feedback: Present the design to Alice and refine it based on her feedback.
  4. Development Phase: Constructing the website on WordPress using Elementor, ensuring an optimal user experience on all devices.
  5. Testing & Optimization: Conducting extensive testing to ensure flawless performance across various platforms.
  6. Final Delivery & Client Training: Handing the completed website to Alice and guidance on its management and upkeep.

New Website Benefits

Enhanced Mobile Responsiveness: The revamped website offers an exceptional mobile user experience, significantly improving client engagement.

– Modern and Elegant Design: The updated aesthetic aligns perfectly with Alice Palmeri’s professional image, appealing to a broad clientele.

– Improved Functionality and Navigation: The website’s new features and navigation system allow access to vital information about Alice’s massage therapy services.

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Your Project Discovery Call Includes:

• 30 Minute Consultation

• Project Cost Breakdown

• Initial Goal Setting

• Consultation Overview

• Creative and Technical Process