WordPress Website Redesign for Home Buyers in Florida


Jared Sandel


Elementor Pro, Figma


WordPress Website Redesign


Real Estate

WordPress Website Design for Home Buyers in Florida

Jared Sandel, the owner of The Friendly Home Buyer, approached me to revamp his company’s outdated website – WordPress Website Redesign for Home Buyers in Florida. The existing website lacked a modern design, required integration with Zapier for automation, and had several WordPress security bugs that needed fixing. The primary goal was to create a contemporary and user-friendly website that would effectively generate leads while addressing security vulnerabilities.


Project Challenges

1. Redesign the website to establish a modern and visually captivating interface.
2. Integrate the website with Zapier for improved automation and streamlined workflows.
3. Address WordPress security bugs to enhance website security.
4. Optimize the website for technical SEO and improve local SEO.
5. Ensure full responsiveness and optimal mobile optimization.


What I Did

1. Consultation: I initiated the project by engaging in detailed consultation with Jared Sandel to understand his vision, brand identity, and specific website requirements.
2. Research and Analysis: I conducted comprehensive research, analyzing the existing website, studying competitors, and staying abreast of the latest market trends. This allowed me to identify areas of improvement and gain design inspiration.
3. Wireframing: Leveraging Figma, I created wireframes that depicted the overall layout, navigation, and content organization for the redesigned website. Jared Sandel reviewed and approved these wireframes.
4. Design Mockups: With the wireframes approved, I proceeded to develop visually striking mockups that incorporated The Friendly Home Buyer’s branding, modern design elements, and user-friendly interface. Jared Sandel provided final approval for these mockups.
5. Development Staging: After design approval, I set up a staging area to commence development. This enabled me to work on the redesign without affecting the live website.
6. Development: Using WordPress as the content management system, I implemented the approved design and integrated the required functionalities, including Zapier integration, contact forms, and automation workflows.
7. Bug Fixing and Security Enhancement: I conducted a thorough security audit of the website, addressing all identified WordPress security bugs. To enhance website protection, I implemented security measures such as regular updates, strong passwords, and plugin security checks.
8. SEO Optimization: I ensured that the redesigned website adhered to technical SEO best practices, optimizing meta tags, URL structure, and generating XML sitemaps. Additionally, I implemented local SEO strategies, including location-specific landing pages and Google My Business integration.
9. Device Responsiveness and Mobile Optimization: Throughout the development process, I prioritized full responsiveness and optimized the website for various devices, conducting rigorous testing to guarantee optimal performance and user experience across all screen sizes.


New Website Benefits

– TheFriendlyHomeBuyer.com underwent a complete redesign, resulting in a modern, visually captivating, and user-friendly interface.
– The website was successfully integrated with Zapier, enabling the automation of essential processes such as lead generation, email marketing, and data synchronization with other tools.
– WordPress security bugs were promptly resolved, and comprehensive security measures were implemented to enhance website protection.
– The website received optimization for technical SEO, boosting its search engine visibility, while local SEO efforts targeted the relevant audience in specific locations.
– The redesigned website achieved full responsiveness and optimal performance across diverse devices, ensuring an exceptional user experience for all visitors.

By undertaking the redesign and enhancement of TheFriendlyHomeBuyer.com, I successfully transformed an outdated website into a modern, efficient, and secure platform for Jared Sandel’s real estate investment company. The revamped website now offers an improved user experience, seamless automation through Zapier integration, and enhanced security measures. The implementation of SEO strategies and prioritization of device responsiveness further amplified the website’s visibility and accessibility. These improvements have positioned The Friendly Home Buyer to attract more leads, provide superior customer service, and achieve its business objectives.

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